Jihva for Ingredients ~ 2009-2010

Jihva for Ingredients (JFI) the web based food event that celebrates natural ingredients has completed three years this month. Online Food events have always been great places to learn about new recipe techniques, refresh old familiar recipes, and familiarize with fresh blog talent. The past year, brilliant bloggers Jigyasa and Pratibha, Pooja, Sig, Rachna, Sia, Suganya, Srivalli, The Cooker, Dee, ms, Mythreyee and Roma dazzled us with unique and memorable JFI’s featuring Love, Bell Pepper, Tamarind, Flower Power, Soy, Whole Grains, Festival Treats, Carrots, Sprouts, Chickpeas, Cauliflower and Wheat. My sincere thanks to all the hosts and the participants for taking JFI to heart and for sharing culinary knowledge and wisdom so generously with the world.

To continue this learning and get to know each other’s tradition, I am extending an invitation to fellow food bloggers to host the JFI event for the year 2009-2010. If you have a natural ingredient that you feel strongly about and would like to highlight it, then this is your chance. Here is more about this event.

What is Jihva?
Jihva, the Sanskrit word means taste, desire and deep longing. This powerful word also represents tongue and taste buds.

What is Jihva for Ingredients?
I believe for Jihva to happen, it’s all in the ingredients and how they are prepared. Jihva for Ingredients (JFI) is an online monthly food event, celebrating the natural Ingredients and what they can do for our Jeeva.

What are the guidelines to host?
1. Feature any natural ingredient and there are many.
2. I’d greatly appreciate if you could pick an ingredient related to India or Indian cuisine. (Which style of cuisine that ingredient prepared is, of course it’s up to the choice of participants.)
3. Announce the event on your blog by the first week of the month before hosting. This will give plenty of time to the participants to shop, prepare, write and post their contribution.

Interested to host the Jihva event?
Mail me stating your preference of month. Food bloggers with great passion for Jihva only, please. Once confirmed, your website name will appear on the calendar below. Thank you.
Update: The invitation is closed at this time and all slots are filled up for this year. Thanks and congratulations to the Jihva hosts 09-10.

Jihva Year 2009 Calendar
(May 09 – April 10)

Cilantro : Cilantro
Heartful Concoctions
Eggless Cooking
Ashwini’s Spicy Cuisine
Dil Se
Siri’s Corner
Cardamom~The Queen of Spices
The Spice Who Loved Me
Veggie Platter
Cook’s Hideout
Chef In You


16 Responses to “Jihva for Ingredients ~ 2009-2010”

  1. Siri says:

    Time flies so fast Indiragaru and I can’t believe JFI already completed 3 successful years. Congratulations again 🙂


  2. trupti says:

    I sent you a mail..I’d love to be a part of this wonderful event!

  3. Kalyani says:

    Congratulations on completing 3 years indira.. Just now i got to know about JFI (meaning). Thanks for the event.

  4. Lakshmi says:

    Indira, I stumbled across your website last week and now a huge fan of yours. Such simplicity and taste in your dishes.
    I cant decide yet which dish of yours am I going to be cooking first. They all look amazing. And once I start, you will be receiving comments from me in that recipe section.
    Kudos to your hard work and patience.
    – Lakshmi

  5. Le says:

    Sent you email.. It would be great to participate in JFI

  6. sandeepa says:

    Hi Indira
    Would love to take up June

  7. Mythreyee says:

    It was a great pleasure to host this event.

  8. Sia says:

    Indira, it was a pleasure to host JFI and I am looking forward to participating in this year’s Jihva 🙂

  9. Kay says:

    Wow!! Three years! Congratulations, Indira!

    I’d love to host a month’s JFI, but with all the changes going on here at home, I haven’t had time to post in my blog, let alone host an event. Sorry about that. But, Jihva always has a special place in my heart. So I promise to participate in every one of the JFIs this year.

  10. MS says:

    Hi Indira, JFI is three!! congrats!! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to host JFI chickpea. It was quite an experience and a pleasure.

    Hopefully I will be able to participate in more JFI events this year.
    with best wishes,

  11. Indira says:

    Thanks friends for your continued support and participation in JFI. Online food events are great learning places and I am glad to see the continued interest in JFI.

  12. Cilantro says:

    Indira, I have posted the announcement for Jhiva-May 2009 on my blog. Please take look and let me know.

  13. Srivalli says:

    Congratulations on the completion Indira…It was a great pleasure hosting JFI..and looks like this years list was taken as soon as you announced!..:)

  14. Kaberi says:

    Hi Indira,

    JFI is a great web based event… I just discovered recently! I am interested in taking pat in the future JFI events.

  15. Anu says:

    Hi Indira,

    I just came to know about this event and was planning for something to participate. Is the event closed? if so, when are u planning to host it next time?


  16. I would like to host the event for the month of june. Is it possible. Please let me know

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