Weekend Home: Mandala Cross Stitch

I enjoy cross stitch very much. It’s relaxing to perform, enriching to learn and produces such varied and attractive end results. If you have been wondering about the lack of updates on the website lately, this is the reason. The art form is absorbing and I have been working on a Mandala cross stitch design for sofa pillow covers.
The beautiful Mandala design is courtesy of a wonderful website called The Floss Box. I downloaded the pattern, printed it on a paper and traced the design on to a pillow cover and started stitching it. It is a simple design, requires only few color threads and will be done in two to three days. I have planned this design for four pillow covers. Three are done, one more to go.

Beautiful design! Very much suited on white pillow. 🙂
wow, it looks so good….
beautiful work…..
did u stitch the pillow cover too…
Beautiful work!
How beautiful ,Indira garu you are very artistic be it in cooking or stiching.
How exquisite Indira!
I haven’t commented before but I’d like to say that your cross stitch is lovely! I don’t do much needlework but I admire it. I have enjoyed your blog for a while now and have incorporated several of your recipes into my regular repetoire. Great photography too. Thank you! :O)
very soothing colour combination..
Focus is talent. Almost an art. A very demanding one at that. Success comes to those who know the value of that single word. I admire your focus whether it’s cooking or stitching project, dear Indira.
Looks stunning yet simple. You can’t stay awya much from the blog for such a long period but we can bare with your absence with such visual treats 😉
Really beautiful. Haven’t done cross-stitch in a long time. But have started working on my crocheting and knitting after 10 years.
Also wanted to let you know that I tried your Mamoul cookies. Everyone loved it at home. Kids enjoyed helping. Mine didn’t evenly brown like yours. Did you brush them with something before baking ? Also I was wondering how the cookie dough should be ? Mine was a little crumbly. Think next time I should add more water.
BTW, how is your garden doing ? 🙂
Thanks Usha. Knitting is a wonderful, relaxing craft. What are you working on now?
Glad to read that you tried and liked the mamoul cookies.
I don’t remember brushing them with anything, I think may be I baked them a little longer. But for color, eggs or milk coating always helps.
The batter has to be little bit crumbly for them to hold the shape when pressed into a mamoul mold.
Garden is thriving. Will post the update soon.
– Indira
Beautiful! you have many talents, I see. I can’t wait to see more of your works. 🙂
This is simply beautiful Indira. Although I have interest in all art forms, haven’t gotten around doing stitching yet..I am all about self learning and the time is just not enough as of now. But you inspire me..may I will start soon 🙂
Very nice and sunny.
You are a very talented lady.
hi indira,
this looks really nice. can u pls tell me what typr of stiches u have used to stich with different colors … is it chain stich or what type……let me know i would be really interested to do this.. as i am very much interested in crafts and arts…thanks
Thank you friends for such sweet words. I greatly appreciate the affection!
Hi Rashmi: Thanks and Yes, I did sew the covers.
Hi Vani: Thanks.
The whole thing was done on chain stitch. The leaves are with back to back stiching, and I did the flowers with french knots.
If you try this design, could you email me the finished photo. I would love to see your creation. Thanks.
Hi Indira,
Good to see your design. I am planning to buy a sewing machine. I am a beginner and live in oklahoma. Can you suggest any good models as you have good experience.
Thanks Indira for your reply. Means a lot to me.
I’m knitting a scarf now and planning to knit a hat as well.
I’m planning to make the mamoul cookies again this Sat. for a party. Love the fact that the recipe does not have eggs in it. Will try brushing the cookies with milk this time.Wish my cookies would retain the design even after baking like yours. But does not matter ‘cos ultimately they taste great.
Just Beautiful, Indira! You have tons of what I don’t have. Patience!!! 🙂
I also adore the country style couch behind the embroidered pillow.
Very beautiful work:))
Stunning, Indira!! You have a great sense of aesthetics…
How’s the stunning Kittaya doing?
i nated to dowload this pattern, but could not find it in the site that u have mentioned… may be i might have missed it… can u pls telll me….and help to find the pattern.. thanks
indeed a very talented lady here!Love ur recipes and this craft work is absolutely beautiful.that u sew the pillows urself was even better!!!
Hi Indira,
Beautiful and soothing piece of work!
Got inspired from your pictures and I ordered the embroidery pattern from the link you have provided. Had a question though regarding the size of the mandala. Did you enlarge the pattern? I printed the pdf and the mandala is 4″ in diameter.
Hi Kavita,
I did. I think about 10 times to the original, if I remember correctly.
It’s a beautiful pattern, lovely to work with. Hope you’d find as much as joy I did working on it.