Usher in the Ugadi with Yellow Jasmine

Carolina Jasmine (Yellow Jasmine) from Our Garden
Yellow Jasmine in Bloom ~ A Warm Welcome to Spring


11 Responses to “Usher in the Ugadi with Yellow Jasmine”

  1. Mona says:

    Wow, lovely!

  2. Usha says:

    Happy Ugadi!

  3. Mamatha says:

    Happy Ugadi to you and you family Indira.

  4. indu says:

    Happy Ugadhi..

  5. Aparna says:

    Happy Ugadi to you! First thing this morning, I peeked out while making coffee..and I see my Carolina Jasmine blooming too, I ran to smell them 🙂 Aint that a pretty sight!!

  6. sreelu says:

    Indira, Ugadi subhakanshalu !!

  7. RedChillies says:

    Wishing you and your family a very happy Ugadi.

  8. padmaja says:

    Happy Ugadi….. hope u n vijay have a fabulous year ahead…

  9. srimathi says:

    Happy Ugadi Indra and Vijay. The yellow flowers look beautiful.

  10. Indira says:

    Ugadi shubhakankshalu, dear friends. Have a wonderful, fulfilling, festive day tomorrow on Ugadi.

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