Garden Blooms ~ Dahlia

Dahlia in Bloom
To Mothers and Daughters Who Make Mahanandi a Home ~ Happy Mother’s Day!


10 Responses to “Garden Blooms ~ Dahlia”

  1. Narayan says:

    What a fantastic picture. How do you do it?

  2. Kalyani P says:

    Wow what a beautiful flower …… Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!

  3. Leena Goutam says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Indira !!! What a lovely flower !

  4. Wow!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! Happy mother’s day!!! 🙂

  5. Madhu says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Indira! Beautiful picture! I am an ardent admirer of your website and recipes. You truly are an insipration. Keep up the great work!


  6. The colors on it are really fantastic! Happy mother’s day 🙂

  7. Indian Girl says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Indira !

  8. Nirmala says:

    Happy Mother’s day wishes to you and your mom and mom-in-law!

  9. Rani says:

    lovely photo.
    Happy Mothers day to you too 🙂

  10. Kay says:

    Beautiful flower. You should do a post or two on how you take these pictures. Hope you a great Mother’s day.

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