Garden Roses ~ Angel Face

Angelface Roses
to mothers and daughters who make Mahanandi a home
Happy Mother’s Day


10 Responses to “Garden Roses ~ Angel Face”

  1. Madhu says:

    Beautiful Indira! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

  2. Happy Mothhers day to you too:) thats a beautiful colour for a rose!!

  3. Lovely !!.. Happy Mother’s Day 🙂

  4. Madhuri says:

    Hai Indira Garu,
    i am a regular follower of u r website..I love your gardening..i too stay in houston only..on norther part..i am trying to do gardening this year..could u please tell me what soil u r using for the veg gardening..and also how much is required for the area that u are using..i seen u r raised bed boxes…lovely..even i want to do like that..could u please help me out to pick up the soil…Thank you for u r help..

    Hi Madhuri, It’s good to know that you are also from Houston.
    For raised beds, intially I added a mix of compost, cow manure and top soil. You can buy the bags individually and make your own mix or order wholesale garden mix from gardening centers. Fill the beds to the top or atleast 3/4th.
    All the best with your gardening efforts.

  5. Nishi says:

    Happy mother’s day Indira. Loved the roses 🙂

  6. Aruna Salapaka says:

    Thanks Indira. That is a pleasant color of the roses…

  7. Usha says:

    Thanks Indira. Perfect Mother’s day treat. Gorgeous .

  8. Sobha Shyam says:

    Happy Mother’s day to u (though a lil late 🙂 )…Beautiful flowers !!

  9. Madhavi Chandran says:

    Beautiful Beautiful!!!

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